Saturday, May 31, 2014

John D. MacDonald: A Writer’s Writer

John D. MacDonald: A Writer’s Writer


Barry Ergang said...

I followed some links and found this:

It's amusing and has the Spillane flavor, but the similes add a touch of Chandler parody.

A much funnier Spillane parody, and among the funniest short stories I've ever read, is Evan Hunter's "Kiss Me, Dudley" in the Fawcett Gold Medal The Comfortable Coffin, edited by Richard S. Prather.

mybillcrider said...

I think that's a hilarious parody, all right. Jean Kerr did one and so did Fritz Leiber. Everybody seems to have wanted to get in on the act.

Todd Mason said... could one resist? Howard Browne's famous "ghost" job in FANTASTIC has flavors of parody that I suspect were not at all lost on Spillane.