Friday, March 28, 2014

FFB: Reading for Survival -- John D. MacDonald

This isn't really a book.  It's more like a booklet, just over 30 pages, in which a couple of John D. MacDonald's characters have a discussion about man's survival over the centuries.  Well, it's not really a discussion, either.  The two characters are Meyer and McGee, and it's more of a lecture by Meyer.  It was published in 1987 and was one of the last things MacDonald wrote before his death.  

And it could have been written yesterday.  In the last few pages Meyer (and MacDonald) really take a hammer to any number of topics that are in the headlines all the time right now, and it's a fine rant, indeed, mainly because I'm on Meyer's side all the way.  Others might find it uncomfortable and even blasphemous.  So you've been warned.

This isn't to say there aren't a few missteps along the way. Meyer seems to believe an easily unproven (in this Internet age) explanation about the origin of a comment by Jesus to a rich young ruler, but I can overlook a few things like that.  

There are a couple of brief, illuminating afterwords, as well.  Worth reading if you ever come across a copy.


Jerry House said...

Published as part of a program by The Library of Congress Center for the Book.

Anonymous said...

Never heard of it.

OK, I ordered a copy.


George said...

I read this when it came out. I may have to read it again after your commentary!

Deb said...

I think if you go through the Travis Magee novels and pull out Meyer's various ruminations on politics, economics, modern life, relationships, etc., you could come up with a pretty interesting book.

Rick Robinson said...

I missed this one completely, but having read the McGee series, some more than once, I can pretty well guess the content.

Donna said...

I checked Amazon. It's out of print and copies by other sellers are pretty expensive. I Googled the name and title and I found a link to a document that you can download. Would his estate mind or do they consider it a short piece and public domain?

mybillcrider said...

It was distributed for free, and I think he did it pro bono. I think he'd have wanted it read, and the estate receives no benefits from it wasn't originally sold.

Anonymous said...

I see...or is that 'don't see'...that my previous comment was eaten by Blogger. It hates me.


mybillcrider said...

Restored now. I don't know why blogger hates you.

Mr. WoolyBee said...

can anyone tell me if this is in the public domain?