Wednesday, October 30, 2013

No Comment Department

DreamWorks Acquires 8th Grader's Journal 'Popular: One Geek's Quest For The Impossible': Ok, get ready to feel inferior. When an eighth grader named Maya Van Wagenen found herself struggling to fit in with her new classmates, she followed the seemingly outdated wisdom from a 1950s advice book for help. Not only did Maya crack the code to becoming popular by using ancient tips from Betty Cornell’s Glamour Guide For Teens, she kept a diary. That journal is the basis for a six-figure two book deal with Penguin Group. And now, at the ripe age of 15, Van Wagenen has become the youngest non-actor to ever make a feature deal at DreamWorks.


Deb said...

My girls loved an old teen etiquette book from the 1950s they found at a used book sale. Obviously I'm a terrible mother because I didn't encourage them to keep a journal that they could then sell for a six-figure sum and fund their futures!

mybillcrider said...

Don't let them see this article. On the other hand, you could blame them for not taking the initiative and setting up an account to take care of you in your dotage.