Monday, December 12, 2011

12 Days of Bookmas -- Day 8 #bookmas

Play to win free books! Go here for an explanation of the contest and for a list of the many blogs where clues can be found.

Clue for Day 8 (posted noon December 12 and written by Jessica Faust): While traveling to speak at the New Zealand Romance Writers Conference (amazing by the way), I had a lot of time to read. I mean A LOT of time to read. That's 30+ hours of plane time. Luckily for me I was two books behind on one of my all time favorite authors. Who is that author and what two books was I behind on reading?

My clues: The author shares a name with my son. The two book titles reminded me of a kid named James, that is, if he'd pursued some insects in a giant lunar body.

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