Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Twelve Days of Bookmas -- Day 12 #12daysbooks

This is the last day of the big contest at BookEnds. If you know the answer, click on the link and leave your answer in the comments to win free books. Or just click on the link to show the agents that I'm a power in the blogosphere. Another incentive is that one of my clues led to the winner the other day. Here's today's puzzle, followed by my clue.

I thought it only appropriate to make today’s puzzle holiday-themed...

Most of you who follow the blog already know that my 5-year-old son, Nicky, is autistic. Well, Nicky LOVES books. He spends a lot of time inside his own head and has difficulty paying attention in class, but his teacher tells me that there’s one part of the school day when he’s able to sit quietly and really listen: Storytime. He’s already reading quite a bit on his own. He loves decoding words and sounding out letters. It’s most definitely one of his strengths.

But one of his many challenges is recall. He has trouble remembering what happened at school that day, what family members we visited with over the weekend or what gifts he received for his birthday. He’s so caught up in the adventures going on inside that little head of his, that he’s less invested in the outside world around him. So to work on his memory, I decided to use some “book therapy.” :) For Christmas I’ve bought him several chapter books that I can read to him piece-by-piece and then review with him every night what we read the day before. Hopefully his love of books will encourage him to flex his memory muscles a little more.

I bought him a boxed set of the first four books in a series that Jessica recommended after she’d read them to her son.

And I bought him a special “read-aloud” edition of one of my favorite classic children’s books.

What books will Nicky be getting for Christmas this year??

My clues: #1, Some climbing required; #2, Bing Crosby's dreaming

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