Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ed McMahon R. I. P.

‘Tonight’ show sidekick Ed McMahon dies - BostonHerald.com: "Lowell native Ed McMahon, the legendary 'Here’s Johnny' pitchman, has died following a long battle with cancer.

McMahon, 86, died shortly after midnight at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center surrounded by his wife, Pam, and other family members, his publicist, Howard Bragman, told the Associated Press today.

McMahon became a star on the 'Tonight Show' with Johnny Carson where the duo had a historic run from 1962 to 1992. He played Carson’s foil for decades, setting up jokes and skits and suppressing his trademark laughter through it all."


Cap'n Bob said...

Hey-oooooh! I liked Ed as Johnny's sidekick, less so as a bathtub salesman.

Dan said...

Worth remermbering that he did the narration for one of the incarnations of DEMENTIA/DAUGHTER OF HORROR, the cheap, pretentious and strangely compelling horror movie glimpsed at the theater in THE BLOB.

Maybe TCM will do a salute.

Chrystal K. said...

In the words of Jay-Z: Gone but not forgotten...

Anonymous said...

I was not a big fan.

But as a geezer I remember Johnny with Ed already as his sidekick on Who Do You Trust?.


mybillcrider said...

I do, too, Jeff. I thought you'd be too young.