Tuesday, October 07, 2008

We're #1!

US Has the Most Prisoners in the World: "WASHINGTON - Tough sentencing laws, record numbers of drug offenders and high crime rates have contributed to the United States having the largest prison population and the highest rate of incarceration in the world, according to criminal justice experts."


Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

Does that suggest the war on crime is being won or lost?

Anonymous said...

we need to quit whining about incarcerating our prisoners: the other countries just kill them. we're big spenders, is all. what with the sudden belt tightening though that might all change. bullets are cheap. and the prisoners will be culled before the guards.

Cap'n Bob said...

Couldn't agree more, jj. I just saw a TV documentary about a woman on death row who killed another prisoner while she was waiting for the death that will never come, most likely. She'd been on d.r. for 12 years when they made the show. Remorese? She's proud of what she did. And we're feed the damn pig.

Cap'n Bob said...

See, I was so incensed I misspelled "remorse" and left the "ing" off of "feeding."