Friday, October 12, 2007

But Before I Leave. . .

. . . here are 30 reasons the English hate the French.


Anonymous said...

"Wars fought against France since 1066: 35. We've won 23; they've won 11. Mutual defeats: 1 (American War of Independence)."

I'd've totted that one up as a win for the French, as far as it went. Quebec already lost to them, iirc.

Cap'n Bob said...

Todd's right. The French were on our side during the AWI. I think that's the last war they won, and it really wasn't their war.

Anonymous said...

I could spend the rest of my life commenting on this site's properly-directed, although mild, assault upon the French. And I should mention, any gerund form I might use of a word preceded by a dash or a hyphen will be referencing a word beginning with the grade I got in most of my classes during my very brief school career. First let's discuss the French "intelligentia"s admiration for Jerry Lewis, perhaps the most obnoxious man in the history of show business. They like him for two reasons: for the kind of person he IS, and for the kind of person he portrays. The kind of person he is I have already discussed at great length in the previous sentence. The kind of person he portrays is "an idiotic American fool." It's not because he is - what would be the word - oh, yes, funny. It's not because he is funny that they like him because Jerry Lewis is not at all funny. He HAS taken "shzchtichk," as I believe it is spelled in the Catskills, to, as they would say on Mad TV, "a hole nubba lebbil." Or HNL. He has taken it to the level of suicidal depression for all who view it. And thanks to Dean Martin, who had some actual talent, he had made a fortune at it. But this does not make him funny, the fact that people who watch him want to kill themselves And this is not the aspect of his "comedy" the French like. No, they like him because he portrays what they like to imagine is the typical American: a clumsy, bewildered-at-everything, bungling, screaming, a-tonal reetard who is always toadying meekly to someone in apology for damages done. Jerry Lewis now has a job where he works one day a year insulting people who give him millions of dollars: a more ingenious facet of his life which the French strive to emulate.

Anonymous said...

This list is a pretty weak list. I suppose it's because the British compiled it, a rather civilized race of people, disdaining insult as a rule and working hard to find the good in everybody. So they shoulda asked me to make the list.