Friday, March 25, 2005

Nightcrawlers -- Bill Pronzini

The New York Times > Books > Sunday Book Review > Crime: Sax and Violence: "Pronzini constructs his sturdy plot with top-quality materials, including spit-polished dialogue and loathsome villains who actually giggle as they crack their victims' bones."

It's great to see the deserving Pronzini getting a good review in the NYTBR (you'll have to register to read the whole thing). But the reviewer, Marilyn Stasio, is wrong if she thinks "Nameless" is just now getting a name ("Bill Pronzini has christened his noir hero with a name.") The rest of us faithful readers have known since the long-ago Twospot that "Nameless" is really "Bill."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think he also refered to Nameless by the name Bill a couple of books ago, maybe in Crazybone. I think it was probably Collin Wilcox that first refered to Nameless as Bill in Twospot.
