Monday, November 10, 2014

Top 10 dog breeds in the U.S.

Top 10 dog breeds in the U.S. and why we love them


Tom Johnson said...

Definitely, Black Labs are top of the lists. Sugar is our second. She's ten years old, spoiled, stubborn, and thinks she's our daughter. The last one was actually obeyed, however. Sugar does not. But like cars, I've had a lot of great dogs in my life - and a few cats, but let's not mention those (lol).

mybillcrider said...

We had dogs when I was a kid, most of them Dalmatians. My brother still has a Dalmatian. He lives in the country and has a lot of dogs, though.

Gerard said...

They didn't list Little-Black-Wiggle-Dog.

Deb said...

Ours are beagles--almost 12 years old (they're siblings)--loveable, playful, but you need a BIG, FENCED yard because given a chance a beagle will be out of the yard and following his/her nose down the street. For this reason, I keep my side gates padlocked. Also, it's good to have understanding neighbors because beagles don't just howl, they bay!