Sunday, April 21, 2013

San Jacinto Day!

San Jacinto Day in United States: San Jacinto Day is a day of state pride for many Texans in the United States on April 21 each year. It commemorates a battle between the Texas Army and Mexican forces about 25 miles from downtown Houston, Texas, on April 21, 1836. This became known as the Battle of San Jacinto and was a turning point for Texas' independence from Mexico.


Tom Johnson said...

Two of my relatives (Sadlers) fount at The Battle of San Jacinto.

Tom Johnson said...

That should have been "fought" not "fount" (sigh). I wish my fingers would obey my brain.

mybillcrider said...

A proud heritage, balky fingers or not.

Cap'n Bob said...

Thanks for the reminder. I celebrated by going to a toy show and the casino. Came out a winner both times.

Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad!