Thursday, January 03, 2008

Makes Sense to Me

Attorney installs shark tank in office - Yahoo! News: "BOZEMAN, Mont. - It started out as a joke — a lawyer putting a shark tank in his office. 'I said, 'What would it take to put a shark in a lawyer's office?'', and it kind of took off from there, said attorney Christopher Gillette.

On Monday, a crane hoisted a 1,000-gallon aquarium up to a second-story window in Gillette's new office."

1 comment:

Greg Aberforth said...

Now, it must have been very difficult hoisting up that fish tank with a shark that must have weighed tons. I could only imagine the shocked faces of the other people working in that office. What about the client's? It would make me feel very uncomfortable setting an appointment in that lawyer's office. :)