Tuesday, September 04, 2007

More on Quechup from Dwight Silverman

The entire article's well worth a look. Check it out.

TechBlog: Quechup and the abuse of trust: "Even those who are extremely Net-savvy were caught in this trap. Jay Lee, our Help Line columnist/blogger and co-host of Technology Bytes, was among those who let their address books be scanned by Quechup. He had more than 3,900 contacts in his Gmail account, many of whom found were added automatically when they e-mailed him for computer help. Those 3,900 then received Quechup invitations from Jay on Monday morning.

Jay has coined a term for someone who gets duped by the site: A Quechump.

And that's how Jay feels -- like a chump. He's not just chagrined that he fell for a trick, but rather that Quechup took advantage of the trust people put in him, which is not insignificant."


pattinase (abbott) said...

Jay gave me the best laugh of the day. Thanks.

mybillcrider said...

I thought that was a good one. Glad it gave you a laugh.