Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Gator Update

Thanks to Jeff Meyerson for the breaking news. There's a great "gator in the toilet tank photo at the link.

Fla. Man Accused Of Keeping Baby Gator In Toilet - Local News Story - WKMG Orlando: "ORANGE PARK, Fla. -- A Clay County man was arrested Monday on a misdemeanor charge after sheriff's deputies acting on a Crimestoppers tip said they found a baby alligator in the toilet tank of his apartment, according to WJXT-TV.

Officials said Michael Dyer, 22, of Orange Park, gave permission to search his apartment on Arora Boulevard. Inside detectives said the also discovered a dog, a rat, a tarantula and an 8-foot python snake.

Hearing the toilet running, Clay County Animal Crime Detective Annie Henderson said she looked inside the tank and found the baby gator.

'When you see the aquarium on the table and he tells you it has been two weeks since he got rid of the gator, and it's fresh clean water, and you keep hearing the toilet running -- it stops, it runs and stops and runs. I'm thinking in my mind, 'Where would be the best place to hid an alligators that has water?' Of course, the toilet tank,' said Henderson."


Anonymous said...

I thought you'd like that one.

mybillcrider said...

The photo is a classic.