Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Noir Night Guy Hits the Big Time

Reed Coleman Writes of Crime and Brooklyn - New York Times: "The name of the bank has changed, as with most of this block of Jerome Avenue in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn. But it's still a bank, and the building next door is still a post office, and Reed Farrel Coleman can still hear the gunshot and see the man lying there in the street more than 30 years later.

He was around 15 that summer day, walking to his job at a Baskin-Robbins. 'I heard a gunshot. I was here,' he said, pointing, 'and I ran right to this building right here. There was a guy lying in the street, a middle-aged guy. He had a little blotch of blood right here.' Mr. Coleman pointed to his stomach. 'His chest was just heaving in and out.'

Later it was determined that the man had been carrying a large amount of money for his business payroll, and the killer had robbed him. 'It changed my life,' Mr. Coleman said. 'Crime really happens. People really do get hurt.'"

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