Friday, September 23, 2005

My Name is Earl

No, not my name. That's the title of a new TV series, the only new show I've seen. I liked it, which is probably the kiss of death. It'll be canceled within the month. Or sooner if the Coen Brothers decide to sue. The show's a direct steal from, er, I mean homage to Raising Arizona. Jason Lee plays Earl, which is the Nicolas Cage role, and even looks a bit like him. The idea is that Earl, a lowdown schemer and petty thief, has a mystical experience while in the hospital and decides that he has to change his karma by repaying everyone he's ever scammed, robbed, cheated, or hurt. He makes a list. It's a really long one. I got several good laughs from the opening show, and I'll be watching again, even if the rest of them have warm and fuzzy endings like the first one. There's enough other stuff to keep things down and dirty. And funny.

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